Argentina - East Coast III

Playas Doradas

[[After the crazy long drives on long and quite boring roads of eastern Argentina, we needed a place to stay and rest for a while. We checked the map and a small place called Playas Doradas caught our eye - it means golden beaches :) So we drove there, found a campsite and stayed there for 4 days, swimming, resting and chatting with curious locals - we were the only non local tourists here. We wanted to stay only 3 days, but there was only one (empty)ATM in the whole town and for three days they failed to refill it, always saying the classic mañana mañana (tomorrow)... until we got bored, managed to change some dollars and left the town :)///After the crazy long drives on long and quite boring roads of eastern Argentina, we needed a place to stay and rest for a while. We checked the map and a small place called Playas Doradas caught our eye - it means golden beaches :) So we drove there, found a campsite and stayed there for 4 days, swimming, resting and chatting with curious locals - we were the only non local tourists here. We wanted to stay only 3 days, but there was only one (empty)ATM in the whole town and for three days they failed to refill it, always saying the classic mañana mañana (tomorrow)... until we got bored, managed to change some dollars and left the town :)///Po posledných dlhých presunoch sme potrebovali niekde na chvíľku zakotviť a oddýchnuť si. Na mape ma upútalo mestečko s lákavým názvom Playas Doradas (zlaté pláže), bolo tám aj pár kempov, tak sme si nejaký vybrali a nepohli sa odtiaľ štyri dni. O jeden deň trošku dlhšie ako sme plánovali, lebo jediný bankomat bol bez peňazí a nejako im trvalo ho doplniť, klasické maňana, maňana, až sme nakoniec zamenili pár dolárov.]]


Balneário El Condor

[[Balneário El Condor - a city known mostly as world's largest parrot colony - about 200 000 of them live along just 12km of the coastline. Upon entering the town, you’ll see them practically everywhere, sitting on electric cables like pidgeons :) They make a similar mess like them and also are quite noisy, so we spent the night outside of the city close to the cliffs where you can see them during the day. All along the coast, there are these huge cliffs, full of small holes, that these green parrots with yellow&red body use as their home. Funny thing is, they are very loud- but that noise gets louder if you move and they see you. We stayed there for a while, enjoying the magnificent sight :)///Balneário El Condor - a city known mostly as world's largest parrot colony - about 200 000 of them live along just 12km of the coastline. Upon entering the town, you’ll see them practically everywhere, sitting on electric cables like pidgeons :) They make a similar mess like them and also are quite noisy, so we spent the night outside of the city close to the cliffs where you can see them during the day. All along the coast, there are these huge cliffs, full of small holes, that these green parrots with yellow&red body use as their home. Funny thing is, they are very loud- but that noise gets louder if you move and they see you. We stayed there for a while, enjoying the magnificent sight :)///Balneário El Condor, prímorské mestečko známe najväčšou kolóniou papagájov na svete - na krátkom 12km úseku pobrežia ich žije až okolo 200 tisíc. V meste ich uvidíte sedieť na elektrických kábloch ako holuby, robia aj rovnaký bordel, chvíľu sme sa čudovali, prečo na tejto časti ulice nikto neparkuje... Robia aj poriadny hurhaj :). Pobrežie je lemované útesmi, ktoré sú plné hniezd a skrýš týchto zelených papagájov s červeno-žltými bruškami. Značne väčší hluk robia aj keď sa začnete hýbať, len smelo, my sme sa dlho zabávali.]]



[[We had just 300km to go to Buenos Aires, so we decided to make one last stop in the town of Tandil - a nice and very green city. Ivan was quite impressed by the city and loved it, I thought it was ok. Quiet, lots of greenery, clean, calm, nice views… A little bit empty during the day, but in the morning and evening there were a lot of people running, it seems to be very popular here.///We had just 300km to go to Buenos Aires, so we decided to make one last stop in the town of Tandil - a nice and very green city. Ivan was quite impressed by the city and loved it, I thought it was ok. Quiet, lots of greenery, clean, calm, nice views… A little bit empty during the day, but in the morning and evening there were a lot of people running, it seems to be very popular here.///Od Buenos Aires nás delilo posledných 300 km, tak sme si urobili poslednú zastávku v meste Tandil, ktoré bolo plné zelene. Ivana očarilo rozhodne viac ako mňa, naozaj pekné, zelené, kľudné, čisté, počas dňa trošku vymreté, ráno behuchtiví argentínčania, ale inak nuda, tešila som sa už do Buenos Aires a zle som sa vyspala.]]


[[See you next time in beautiful Buenos Aires :)///See you next time in beautiful Buenos Aires :)///Uvidíme sa nabudúce v nádnernom Buenos Aires, Paríži Južnej Ameriky :)]]